
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Intentional Jesus

On his way back to Galilee, Jesus had to pass through Samaria, an area and people that Jews pretty much despised.  Tired, hot and thirsty, Jesus was resting at a well when a Samaritan woman “just happened” to stop by for water.  (John 4:1-6

There are a lot of reasons why this meeting was an unlikely event – Jews didn’t fraternize with Samaritans, Jesus shouldn’t have been in Samaria in the first place, women don’t typically fetch water mid-day…

All that to say that Jesus was intentional about meeting this particular woman.

Introducing Intentional Jesus.

When Jesus asked for a drink, she was surprised he even spoke to her.  How can you ask me for a drink?  Jesus wondered the same thing, but for a different reason.  If she knew who he was, she would ask him for a drink, and receive the living water that only the Messiah can provide. (John 4:7-10)

Living water?  She was curious…and searching.  Wanting to believe in a better life, wanting hope.  But she was also confused, seeing only the circumstances in front of her.  A physical well.  Real water.  Jesus with no bucket of his own.  (John 4:11-12)

So Jesus continued.  “Everyone who drinks from this well will be thirsty again, but not so with the living water that I can provide.  My water brings eternal life.”  (John 4:13-14)

What the woman lacked in understanding, she made up for with desire.  “Sir, give me this water.”  Although she was still thinking of physical water, glad to save herself from her daily trips to the well.  (John 4:15)

So Jesus told her to go get her husband.  It may seem like an abrupt change of subject, but Jesus was right on track.  “I don’t have a husband”, she replied.  “I know”, Jesus responded, “you’ve had five and now the man you’re with isn’t your husband.”  Jesus wasn’t outing or condemning her.  He was showing how completely he knew her, and pointing out her need for a Savior.  And through this she began to realize this was no ordinary man.  (John 4:16-20)

Introducing Intimate Jesus.

Knowing this was a man of God, she tried to change the subject to more spiritual things, perhaps to impress him, perhaps to take the spotlight of her sins.  So Jesus spoke against the Samaritan religion, teaching that salvation is only found in the God of the Jews and his Word.  She knew that the Jewish religion spoke of a coming Messiah, so Jesus confirmed “I who speak to you am he.” (John 4:21-26)

Wow!  Excited, the woman ran home to tell everyone about whom she just met.  I love how in her zeal she left her water pot behind.  Like a symbol of shedding all those things she filled her life with for comfort, pleasure, and security apart from God.  She also left behind her shame, running to town in broad daylight to boldly share with those also in need of living water.  (John 4:28-29)

Meanwhile, the disciples wondered why Jesus was even talking to this woman when he should have been resting for their journey.  Did they share the same prejudices against the Samaritans?  Did they think one woman, or perhaps this woman, wasn’t worth the time compared to the masses they still had to reach?  (John 4:27)

Introducing Inclusive Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t play favorites.  His will is that all would hear his Word and be saved.  This Samaritan woman shows the power of one life changed.  Far-reaching.  Influencing.  Infectious.  With the ability to multiply to others. 

What if Jesus had skipped over her?  Went the long way around?  Ignored her because of her social status or sin?  What if Christ would have skipped over me?

Jesus desires an intimate relationship with us, and is intentional about meeting us where we are. 

Am I as intentional about my intimacy with him?  Are you?  

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