
Saturday, December 29, 2012

They Didn't Recognize Him

In John 21:1-14 Jesus shows up by the Sea of Galilee where some of his disciples had been fishing all night without a catch.  Interestingly, these guys didn't recognize him.  Jesus asked how things were going, gave some fishing advice, and still…nothing. 

Why was it that the disciples didn't recognize Jesus?  How is that even possible?  Was it merely because it was out of context and they weren't expecting him?  Was it because they were too preoccupied with their own activities?  Perhaps it was because Jesus veiled his identity at first in order to build their trust and leave them with another miracle.

I’m not sure.  But I can relate to each of these scenarios.

“The man” told them to throw the net down on the right and there would be fish.  They did, and the catch was miraculous.  That the net didn't break was pretty miraculous as well.  It was then that they realized it was Jesus who was with them. 

“Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord.” John 21:12

Imagine having breakfast on the beach with Jesus Christ!

At first I thought the whole “not recognizing” thing strange, inexcusable really given what these guys had all been through together.  But then I paused and realized that I probably do the same thing every day.

How often do I fail to recognize Christ’s presence because it seems out of context?  Either I’m not expecting it, or I’m expecting it to be my own way.

How often to I fail to recognize Christ because I’m preoccupied with myself, my own needs and wants, my own agenda and activities?

Does my failure to notice him in the quiet, everyday moments force him to hold out for those less frequent but grander appearances that will actually get my attention?

Where is it that God is clearly working, yet I’m overlooking thinking he’s somewhere else rather than right here with me?

Like with these disciples, Jesus is right here with you and with me.  He wants to lead us as Lord, rescue us as Savior, and just have breakfast with us as a father or a friend.

Pray for eyes that recognize him – his presence, his hand, his help.
PS.  In this picture, our coaches are having a great time during our year-end Durban celebration.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Who is it you want?

Jesus and his disciples went to the Mount of Olives.  Judas had already betrayed him, so a group of soldiers also arrived on the scene to arrest him. 

“Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”  

“Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied.  

"I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.” (John 18:4-6)

These soldiers were looking for Jesus, yet when they found him they shrunk back and fell to the ground.  Why?  They knew he wasn't a violent criminal; he was merely a Jewish teacher who healed the sick, helped the poor, and made wild claims about repentance and being the Son of God.  Surely he was no match for a group of well-trained, armed soldiers.

Did they fall down in fear that his claims might be true, that they might really be face to face with God himself?  And if so, were they ready for such an encounter?

While the soldiers were still on the ground, Jesus had to ask them a second time, “Who is it you want?”  “Jesus of Nazareth” they repeated.  (John 18:7)

As I read this, I pictured Christ pursuing us asking “Who is it you want?”  I also pictured the litany of responses he may have received.  People who receive him with gratitude, humility and joy.  Others who down-right reject him, wanting someone or something else for their lives.  Then those who are just not sure, wanting him but then shrinking back and falling down when he says “I am he.” 

I remember the years I spent searching for that “someone” or “something” but not really knowing it was Christ I was looking for.  I grew up thinking I was saved without realizing God had so much more to offer – love, relationship, guidance, a purpose, gifts to carry out that purpose, blessings, etc. 

So if you would have asked me 15 years ago who it was I wanted, it sure wouldn't have been Jesus.  And as Jesus lovingly, patiently pursued me, I continued to shrink back from each encounter…

Until finally I didn'tI surrendered.  I stood before my Savior and Lord and asked that his will be done in my life.

Who is it YOU want?  Don’t shrink back when you encounter Christ; embrace Him as if your life depends on it.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

To Hell in a Hand Basket

In John 17 Jesus prays for himself, then for his disciples, and then for all believers.  His prayers are powerful and set the example for how we should pray for ourselves and others.

Jesus prayed that believers may be one, united in their faith in Christ, just as Jesus and the Father are one.  He emphasizes unity four times, so it must be important.  He prays for   

·         Unity in fellowship.  There is strength in numbers. (John 17:11
·         Unity in witness bearing.  This could mean evangelizing the lost, but more importantly I think of consistently modeling God’s Word in the world. (John 17:21
·         Unity in the glory of Christ.  Sharing the honor, rewards, and blessings that come from being a child of God and co-heir with Christ. (John 17:22)
·         Complete unity.  How?  Through Christ in us.  Why?  So that the world will know Him through us.  (John 17:23)

It is through our complete unity in faith and reflection of Christ as believers that the world encounters Him, learns His plan for salvation, and experiences His unconditional love.  The world will know Christ when his people stand united in their faith


The Lord keeps leading me back to sanctification.  While salvation occurs the moment someone accepts Christ as Savior, sanctification is a process that continues throughout the rest of a believer’s life as he or she grows in Christlike character, attitudes, behavior, etc.  Sanctification comes through knowing, hearing and obeying God’s Word.

Based on recent news, it seems the world is “going to hell in a hand basket,” and the US, true to form, seems to be going faster and more efficiently than everyone else.

The Lord prayed that His people would be sanctified by the truth of His Word.  Yet we (I’m talking about believers here, myself included) seem to make so many compromises with what God’s Word says.  Where things are written in black and white, we rationalize varied interpretations and applications.  We change God’s Word to fit our desires and circumstances.  We try to turn Christ into someone we can live with when the whole point is that God’s people should be different, set apart, unyielding, and uncompromising when it comes to His truths. 

Think about all the hot topics in our recent election campaign – gay marriage, abortion, fiscal responsibility.  Think of the undercurrents that were also being evaluated – character, honesty, integrity, morality.  God’s Word is black and white in these areas.  Yet we as Christians often waver back and forth, and like my puppy, track mud through the house until everything is a dingy grey.

We tolerate sin calling it “not judging.”  We accept sin calling it “forgiveness.”  We commit sin calling it “the way God made us” or “OK because of God’s unconditional love and grace.”  We compromise, even re-write, God’s word wearing our “tolerance”, “progressiveness”, “liberalism”, “open-mindedness” and so-called “maturity” as a badge of honor. 

Except that this not sanctification or spiritual maturity, it’s the complete opposite.  We separate ourselves from God when His heart is to unite us with him and with each other.  We kick God out of our lives and then wonder where He is when we need Him.

As the saying goes, if the shoe fits wear it; if it doesn’t, don’t.  But I have to believe we all have areas where compromise is distancing us from God, impeding His will, and muddying our witness.  Or maybe this is just for me…

So pray for yourself, for me, and for all believers – that we may be one as Christ and the Father are one, that our lives reflect Christ in such a way as to draw others to Him, and that we continue to grow in God’s Word as our guiding and absolute truth – no compromises.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jesus Prays For His Disciples

In John17:6-18, Jesus prays for his disciples – those given to him, those charged with carrying his Word and will out into the world, those commissioned to bring glory to his name.

What did Jesus pray for them?

First, for God’s protection by the power of his name, the same power God gave Christ.  Jesus’ disciples were learning that they had the same power as Jesus himself.  Jesus had been teaching them all along that they could do the same things as he, and even greater.  Did they believe that?  And what was the goal of experiencing the power of God’s name?  So that they may be one as God and Christ are one.  A united front.  An effective team.  A witness to nonbelievers.  A formidable force in the world. 

Second, that they may have the full measure of Christ’s joy in them.  They were going to encounter some rocky roads.  The world would hate them because of him, so Jesus wanted them to be able to face those challenges with joy.  Notice that Jesus didn't intend to take them out of the world, away from the challenges and persecutions, rather he prayed for their joy and protection in facing them.

Another way I think the disciples would experience the full measure of Christ’s joy is by following Christ’s example of focusing on others above himself.  Jesus knew he was about to face a horrific crucifixion and death, yet he put the needs and welfare of his disciples above his own.  Putting others first is a way we can experience Christ’s joy, peace, compassion, power, authority, character, you name it!  When we love and trust him enough to look beyond our circumstances and focus on the bigger picture – God’s calling on our lives – we experience the full measure of Christ in our lives.  And Jesus modeled this in his prayer for his disciples.

Third, that they would be sanctified with God’s truth.  The basic meaning of sanctification is to be set apart for God.  It has a moral connotation of holiness or purity.  Whereas salvation occurs the moment someone accepts Christ as Savior, sanctification is a process that continues throughout the rest of a believer’s life as he or she grows in Christlike character, attitudes, behavior, etc.  And as Christ showed through his prayer, sanctification comes through knowing, hearing and obeying God’s Word.

Jesus knew his disciples needed to be equipped with power and protection, to stand together in unity, to retain an attitude of joy through all circumstances, and to be ever-growing in spiritual maturity to carry out his mission for them in the world.

And what is even more amazing is that this is also Christ’s prayer for you and for me.

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,” (John 17:20)

When I read this I was compelled to go back through his words with this new perspective in mind.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We Know the Way

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me…You know the way to the place where I am going.” (John 14:1, 4)

In John 13 Jesus had predicted Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s denial, and explained that he’d soon be leaving.  Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples.  Were they sad, shocked, or fearful about what would come next?  What were they thinking?  Perhaps how could one of us ever betray or disown Jesus?  Am I capable of such a thing?  Will we ever see Jesus again?

That’s when Jesus interrupted their thoughts saying don’t let you hearts be troubled, just believe in me.  Trust in me, and trust that you know the way to where I am going.

As believers, we too know the way to God and eternal life with Him. But for all those Thomases out there, with too many doubts and too little faith, Jesus goes on to tell us in no uncertain terms

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” (John14:6-7)

Not only do we know the way to God, but we know God as well. We’ve seen him through Christ because they are one in the same. God didn’t send Christ simply to pay for our sins; rather he paid for our sins in order to restore our relationship with him, a relationship that was broken when sin first entered the world.

Like these disciples, we also know the way to walk in Jesus’ steps here on earth.  Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commands.” (John14:15) “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.” (John14:23) Our obedience is evidence of our love and trust in him.

In real life we have seen so many twisted, imperfect, sinful examples of love, power, and authority that we cringe at words like commands and obey. And doesn’t the word if sound manipulative? Perhaps it’s been used on you or by you when motives weren’t so pure.

But Jesus isn’t trying to manipulate here. He’s telling us to put our love, faith, and knowledge of him into action. If we love him, trust him, realize that his plans are perfect, know his motives are pure, trust that he only wants what’s best for us and knows what that is…if we love him, we’ll obey his commands. 

Thomas’ question was how can we know the way?  My question is now that we know it will we walk it out?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wash Your Feet

In John13 Jesus is with his disciples, sharing the last meal they’d have together.  As I read this passage, the word “so” at the beginning of verse4 caught my attention.  Jesus knew that his time had come, that God was in control of all things, and that His plan was being fulfilled.  Soon Jesus would be betrayed, arrested, crucified and resurrected.  “So” he interrupted the meal in progress to wash his disciples’ feet.

Why was it so important to do right then and right there?

Imagine what these guys were thinking.  Foot washing was an act reserved for slaves.  It was considered the lowest of tasks to be performed by the lowest of people.  So as mentor, teacher, and Lord, Jesus showed us that no one is above anyone else when it comes to serving.

When Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, he showed the full extent of his 

Jesus also set an amazing example for us to model.  So this lesson was as powerful as it was practical.

But Peter didn’t get it.  He didn’t want his teacher and Lord to stoop so low as to wash his feet.  That’s when Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” (John13:8

What did Jesus mean by that?  Is he still talking about service, sacrifice, humility and love? 

Peter didn’t know, or care actually.  True to form, Peter was all in.  Then don’t just wash my feet, wash my hands and head as well.  You’ve got to love Peter’s enthusiasm.

That’s when Jesus responded, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean.  And you are clean, though not every one of you.”  (John13:10-11)  Now Jesus wasn’t using his spiritual gift of wisdom to “out” those who had woke up late and skipped their shower that morning.  He was obviously talking about something different.  The one who was not clean was Judas who would betray him.  The rest of the disciples were already clean, except for their feet that is.

When Jesus finished he asked if they understood what he just did.  Did they?  Do I?  This is more than a lesson in humility and service.  There is a deeper spiritual application as well. 

When we are saved we are cleansed from our sins

All of our sins are forgiven – past, present, and future.  When we use the term “born again”, it’s our spirit that gets born again, not our minds or our bodies.  The unrighteous, sinful spirit that we inherited from Adam gets recreated when we accept Christ.  That’s what restores our right-standing or relationship with God.  Water baptism is a symbol of that process.  We get submerged as old creations, and we rise up as new creations washed clean.

Just like after you take a bath or shower, you are clean.

However, walking in this world pollutes us with sin.  Dust and dirt clings to our feet.  As Christians walking in this world we are defiled by things like nasty talk, looking at unholy things, working with ungodly people.  That’s why it’s so important to guard what you see and hear each day.

And it’s not only the world, those external forces around us, that pollute us.  We also pollute ourselves when we make selfish choices, entertain temptations, and sin.

These are the things that cling to us like dirt on our feet.  Even though our bodies are clean as believers in Christ, our feet are always getting dirty as we walk in this world.  That is why we need to constantly wash them.

Spiritually, that cleaning takes place with the washing of God’s Word.  As we read it, study it, hear it, discuss it, and do what it says, we are cleansed from the sinful influences around us.

If we neglect God’s Word, we remain soiled and those sinful influences begin to take their toll in our lives.  We grow less concerned about sin, more tolerant.  We compromise on what we know to be true.  We rationalize overlooking sin.  We justify our own sins.  And sin escalates from there.

This what Jesus meant when he said unless I wash you, you have no part with me.  While saved, and hence clean, we need to stay that way by remaining in Christ and his Word.

He was also challenging us to serve one anotherPractically, but also spiritually.  We can help keep each other clean through continued fellowship over God’s Word, sharpening each other, teaching and learning from each other, holding each other accountable, lovingly exhorting each other from Scripture.

In the words of Christ, “Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” (John13:17)

“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” (2Corinthians 2:15)

I don’t know about you, but I prefer a pleasing aroma over stinky, dirty feet any day.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Leave Her Alone

“Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.  Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor.  Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.  Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair.  And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.”  (John12:1-3, emphasis added)

I’m sure the dinner guests were shocked, but it was Judas who said what everyone else was thinking.  Why such a waste?  Couldn’t this expensive perfume have been used for something better like selling to give to the poor?

His point was valid, even if his motives were less than altruistic.

As a missionary serving the poor in South Africa, it’s challenging to steward resources and meet all the needs around us.  The never-ending needs drive us to sacrifice more and more.

I’ll admit, sometimes I feel deflated, defeated, even depressed because I can’t help everyone.  Another temptation is to become cynical, distrustful, or hardened to the needs that can’t be met.  And sometimes in my desire to serve, in that conditioning to sacrifice everything, I take my eyes off Christ as my number one priority.

Whether talking time, treasures or talents, Christ must get our first and full devotion.  After that, everything else will fall into place.

Yes.  Mary “wasted” a year’s wages to anoint and honor Christ – our Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Provider, Creator, Sustainer, Helper.  Do you see where I’m going with this?  How can that be considered a waste?

Sometimes faith isn’t practical, but it’s always priority.

And look what Jesus says next…”Leave her alone”.  (John12:7)

She was just following her heart, obeying her prompting to honor him, fulfilling God’s purpose for what she possessed.  That perfume was intended for Christ.  Jesus goes on to say “You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.”  (John12:8)

Jesus isn’t discounting the needs of the poor or his love for them.  He's teaching a more important lesson.

About priorities.

There will always be needs swarming around us.  We’re called to do what we can, with the spiritual always taking priority over the practical.  Otherwise our sacrifice, our serving, our giving becomes more about us than Christ. 

And maybe “do what we can” is better said as “do what we’re told.”  That’s what Mary did, and now her example is eternally commended in God’s own Word. 

This was a divine reminder that I can’t do everything, only something.  Fortunately God has the power to multiply that something into something pretty major.  Through my small efforts and those he calls to partner with me, we are making a huge difference. 

And we’ll continue to do so as long as Christ remains our priority.

The picture above is a devoted cook and social worker with the Maluti Child Care Program.  MCCP feeds 500-600 children per day from kitchen containers just like this one.  They can’t reach every child in need, but the 4500 they do receive a nourishing meal served with the love of Christ.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Which comes first?

Which comes first?  Seeing or Believing…

When Lazarus fell sick in John11, his sisters immediately sent word to Jesus.  They knew Jesus loved their brother dearly and would be able and willing to help.  Verse 5 reaffirms Jesus’ love for them, yet he didn’t drop everything to rush to Lazarus’ sickbed.  God’s delays are not necessarily denials.  It’s during those times that we need to remind ourselves of God’s power, control, and most importantly, his love for us.

Two days later Jesus was ready to go back to Judea.  The disciples tried to talk him out of it, afraid because the Jews had tried to stone him there before.  That’s when Jesus revealed that Lazarus had in fact died, but that he was glad he didn’t make it in time because these disciples needed to see something to make them truly believe. 

I love how Thomas was on the fence tottering between wanting to see something spectacular and not wanting to die.  And I love how that was enough faith for Jesus to work with.  Sometimes seeing is believing; and sometimes Jesus is willing to meet our doubts with mercy, grace and a miracle to help us believe.

By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead four days.  The sisters were distraught, discouraged, even angry.  How could Jesus let this happen?  But within that raw emotion was an undercurrent of faith that believed God was still in control and would do whatever Jesus asked.

Speaking to Martha, “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”” (John11:25-26)

Martha believed.

Next Mary came and showed Jesus where Lazarus was laid to rest.  Jesus wept.  He cares.  When tragedies hit, we can’t go to that place of thinking Jesus doesn’t love us, doesn’t care, or isn’t in control.  We need to believe that Jesus does love us, does care, and is in control, and then see the situation through that lens.

The sisters were grieving, yet they still had a peace, trust, and faith in Jesus.  They believed.  And as a result they saw a miracle.

When we believe in Christ, we give him permission to move in our lives.  We also recognize his workings for what they are – his glory – rather than rationalizing them away as something else, taking them for granted, or taking the credit.  Belief in Christ changes how we see the world, or should anyways.

Many people who witnessed Lazarus’ resurrection believed in Christ that day.  But many didn’t.  Really?  A miracle’s effect in our lives depends on the condition of our heart.  If our heart is sinful, hard, rebellious, or unbelieving then we won’t believe even after seeing someone raised from the dead.  We won’t be touched by testimonies of lives changed by Christ.

Believe.  See the glory of God.  Don’t believe.  Miss out.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The True Shepherd

In John 10:1-21, Jesus is trying to teach the Pharisees what it means to be a good shepherd.  The Pharisees considered themselves the rightful shepherds of Israel.  But as Jesus pointed out, a true shepherd enters the pen through the gate, with the watchman opening the gate because he knows him.  True shepherds don’t climb in some other way like a common thief. 

The Pharisees were like the robbers, appointing themselves in charge, seeking to rule over the Jews, taking what wasn’t rightfully theirs, while doing everything they could to hinder people from accepting Jesus as the Messiah.  Jesus is the True Shepherd, entering the gate that was opened before him by prophecy, messengers, and God himself.

Also true of a good shepherd is that the sheep recognize his voice and follow him.  With Jesus as our shepherd, we’re to do the same thing.  Know him.  Recognize his voice.  Follow his lead.  This means cultivating a relationship with him, listening, and obeying what he says.  Jesus knows each of us personally and intimately.  He wants us to know him the same way.

True shepherds lead their sheep, they don’t drive them.  Jesus doesn’t ask us to go anywhere he hasn’t first gone himself.  He knows what we’re facing – been there, done that – and cares. 

And true sheep follow.  Although, often times we forget that, or at least I do.  I try to lead myself, and that’s where I get off track staying far away from the fold.  Thankfully Jesus is pursues us and guides us back to the flock, as each and every sheep is precious to him.

True shepherds lay their lives down for their sheep.  Something that a mere hired hand wouldn’t do.  He doesn’t own them, nor does he care about them like the shepherd does.  “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me — just as the Father knows me and I know the Father —and I lay down my life for the sheep.” (John 10:14-15)

We become true sheep when we accept Christ as our Savior, when we surrender our lives to him as Lord.  With that comes an increasing desire to follow his lead, and an increasing ability to recognize his voice.  That same ability or instinct is also what helps us flee from strangers or other dangers.  Temptations.  Wolves.  Pharisees.

Too bad these guys didn’t understand.  They thought of themselves good shepherds, when in actuality they were thieves and wolves.  “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

Jesus is our true shepherd.  Are you willing to follow?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Expecting Jesus

John 6:16-24 tells of Jesus walking on water, a story I’ve heard so many times, but each time teaches me something new.

Jesus had gone up the mountain for quiet time to pray while the disciples set sail across the sea.  Miles later, it grew dark and Jesus had not yet caught up with them.  Then, as the winds grew strong and the waters rough, there was still no sign of Jesus.  The Sea of Galilee was infamous for sudden, violent storms.  With their little boat no match for the crashing waves, these guys must have feared for their lives.

Suddenly, in their time of greatest need, Jesus appeared miraculously walking on the water.

Yet the disciples were afraid. 

Why were they afraid?  Did they not recognize him?  Had they underestimated his power?  Did they doubt his love, provision and protection?  Did they fear punishment rather than rescue?  Perhaps there’s some truth in each of these, but I think the root cause is that they had lost faith that he’d even show up.  They weren’t expecting him.

So Jesus said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” (John 6:20)

Imagine dark, stormy times.  Times when your instinct takes over and you strive to survive, fix, and problem-solve.  Times when circumstances tempt you to believe that Jesus isn’t really there with you.     

I can totally understand the disciples not recognizing Jesus if they weren’t expecting him to show up.  His appearance caught them by surprise, so the fear that was already building with the storm, gained a second wind so-to-speak.

I think of the times I tried to navigate rough waters on my own, not expecting Jesus, sometimes not even wanting his help.  I think of the times when I let circumstances convince me that Jesus was off doing something else, ignorant to my needs, deaf to my prayers for help.

Except that all the while he was already there and in control.  Jesus is with us in the storms of our lives.  Knowing, caring, praying, rowing, guiding.  We need to keep our faith strong, and to expect him to show up.  It’s that expectation that enables us to recognize him and to not be afraid.

When the disciples were willing to let Jesus in the boat, the boat immediately reached dry land. (John 6:21First, we must be willing to invite Jesus into the boat and surrender control to him.  When we do, he will lead us to dry land

Jesus doesn’t promise storm-free sailing.  What he does promise is to be with us and not forsake us whatever the weather forecast.  (Hebrews 13:5)

Expect Jesus to show up.  Invite him into your boat.  Allow him to navigate the rough waters.  And see remarkable things happen.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Circumstances vs Faith

Circumstances are what we see around us, real or perceived.  “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee and a crowd followed, not because he was the Son of God, but because he was a miracle worker.  They wanted to see something cool, perhaps be touched or healed by him.  (John 6:1-4

With so many people, Jesus asked Philip where to get enough bread to feed them.  Philip was stumped.  Even a half-year’s wages wouldn’t be enough. (John 6:5-7Philip saw the circumstances before them, and concluded that feeding so many was impossible.

Andrew tried to problem-solve.  He suggested they use a boy’s offering of bread and fish, but then shot the idea down as fast as it came out of his mouth.  There’s no way that could work. (John 6:8-9So Andrew also saw the circumstances, but then tried to navigate them with his own limited thinking and ability.

Neither disciple inquired of Jesus, nor put their faith in him.  They flunked the test.  It happens.  I love how Jesus didn’t scold them or skip performing a miracle due to their lack of faith.  (John 6:10-13)  This was a teaching moment, one which they could draw from in the future. 

In times of challenge, uncertainty, fear, or doubt, it helps to remember the faithfulness of God and how he has come through for us in the past.  Remembering such “faith experiences”, or testimonies, builds our faith, enabling us to see God in our present circumstances, whatever they may be.

Speaking of circumstances, I love how the Bible specifically describes the loaves and fish as “small”.  As if too few wasn’t problem enough, they were small to boot.  I picture the smallness of the loaves and fish in contrast to the largeness of the young boy’s faith.  The boy saw the same circumstances that Philip and Andrew did – thousands of hungry people.  But he must have also had faith that his offering could be used in some way, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought it forward.

Sometimes we think we don’t have anything valuable or worthwhile to offer.  Or we think we don’t have enough for ourselves, let alone all the needs out there.  We let circumstances get the best of us. 

Hebrews 4:1-3 explains how the Israelites didn’t receive the full benefit of God’s Word, His promises, power and presence, because they didn’t have faith.  We should never judge a situation based on the circumstances we see.  Rather, we should look to the Word of God.

So as one of our faith experiences, we should remember this story.  How Jesus was able to multiply so very little, and how the boy’s meager offering went down in eternity as fueling a major miracle of God. 

This teaches that we only need to do what we can, to offer what we have and not what we don’t, and to have faith in God to do the rest.  Don’t talk yourself out of giving or serving because circumstances seem to imply you can’t make a difference.  Because God’s Word tells you otherwise.

I wonder how many miracles Jesus has performed through my meager offerings.  And I wonder how many have been missed because I lacked the faith to give.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Learning to Walk

Remember the Samaritan woman, her encounter with Jesus and the power of her life changed?  Well, here’s another cool story from the book of John. (John 5:1-14)

Imagine the pool of Bethesda.  The cool, clear water on a hot day.  As usual, sick and disabled people were gathered in hope of a cure.  Rumor had it that occasionally an angel would stir the water and when that happened, the first one in would be healed.  So they came in droves, and waited…and waited.  The blind, the lame, and the paralyzed.  Infirmities that remind me of my own sinful condition - my own helplessness, blindness, and uselessness - before I met Christ.

Imagine the stress of waiting, and the desperate scurry of folks trying to be the first one in once the water was stirred.  Those who needed healing the most likely also needed help getting in.  Who would be willing to sit around all day just in case they could help?

Imagine sitting there day after day, an invalid for 38 years.  The fruitless time spent, the longing for freedom, the dashed hopes.  It just drives home the point that we can’t save ourselves, nor can others save us.  Only Christ can.  Like the Samaritan woman coming to the well every day, midday to hide her shame.  Every day the same…until an encounter with Jesus.

Now imagine Jesus enters the scene.  “Do you want to get well?” he asks.  “How can I with no one to help me into the water?” the paralyzed man replies.

“Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”  At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked...”  (John 5:8-9)

When the Lord saves, not only must we rise, but we must walk.  Walk in a manner worthy of him.  That’s the incredible power of a life changed – the “change” part.  Reading this made me pause for reflection.  How has my life changed since coming to Christ?  How far have I come?  And how far do I have yet to go?  Jesus gives us the power to make the changes, to live his way, and to keep growing until every area of our life is submitted to him.

Later the man gets hassled by the religious leaders because he was carrying his mat on the Sabbath.  Carrying his mat?  Seriously?  Obviously they missed the point completely.  They were so caught up in religion and rules that they were blind themselves.  Blind to the fact that we’re saved by grace through faith, not by “being good” and “following the rules.” 

The healed man stood up for Jesus saying “the man who healed me told me to do this.”  To me, it sounds like he was implying that anyone who can do what Jesus can should be obeyed.  Simple as that.  And here we see him “walking.”

Later Jesus found the healed man in the temple, likely thanking and praising God.  Maybe even sharing his testimony with people in the courtyard.  So Jesus taught him a little more about this walking thing.  “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” (John 5:14)  In my words, “remember how you have been healed and saved.  With such favor and grace also comes responsibility.  Sin no more.  Walk in the way of the Lord.”  Sin is worse than sickness because it damages our relationship with God, not to mention messes up our lives and the lives of others.

I think of the 30 or so years I waited by the pool, an invalid not even sure what I was waiting for.  Looking back I can see it was meaning, purpose, redemption, and freedom that I couldn’t achieve on my own.  I also think of the 13 or so years I’ve been learning to walk and getting better at it every day, and for that I am grateful.  (Don’t do the math!!)

Like the Samaritan woman, this man was excited to bear witness, through his words and his very life, about Christ who made him well.  That’s the power of a life changed.  I love it!!

Want to go for a walk?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Intentional Jesus

On his way back to Galilee, Jesus had to pass through Samaria, an area and people that Jews pretty much despised.  Tired, hot and thirsty, Jesus was resting at a well when a Samaritan woman “just happened” to stop by for water.  (John 4:1-6

There are a lot of reasons why this meeting was an unlikely event – Jews didn’t fraternize with Samaritans, Jesus shouldn’t have been in Samaria in the first place, women don’t typically fetch water mid-day…

All that to say that Jesus was intentional about meeting this particular woman.

Introducing Intentional Jesus.

When Jesus asked for a drink, she was surprised he even spoke to her.  How can you ask me for a drink?  Jesus wondered the same thing, but for a different reason.  If she knew who he was, she would ask him for a drink, and receive the living water that only the Messiah can provide. (John 4:7-10)

Living water?  She was curious…and searching.  Wanting to believe in a better life, wanting hope.  But she was also confused, seeing only the circumstances in front of her.  A physical well.  Real water.  Jesus with no bucket of his own.  (John 4:11-12)

So Jesus continued.  “Everyone who drinks from this well will be thirsty again, but not so with the living water that I can provide.  My water brings eternal life.”  (John 4:13-14)

What the woman lacked in understanding, she made up for with desire.  “Sir, give me this water.”  Although she was still thinking of physical water, glad to save herself from her daily trips to the well.  (John 4:15)

So Jesus told her to go get her husband.  It may seem like an abrupt change of subject, but Jesus was right on track.  “I don’t have a husband”, she replied.  “I know”, Jesus responded, “you’ve had five and now the man you’re with isn’t your husband.”  Jesus wasn’t outing or condemning her.  He was showing how completely he knew her, and pointing out her need for a Savior.  And through this she began to realize this was no ordinary man.  (John 4:16-20)

Introducing Intimate Jesus.

Knowing this was a man of God, she tried to change the subject to more spiritual things, perhaps to impress him, perhaps to take the spotlight of her sins.  So Jesus spoke against the Samaritan religion, teaching that salvation is only found in the God of the Jews and his Word.  She knew that the Jewish religion spoke of a coming Messiah, so Jesus confirmed “I who speak to you am he.” (John 4:21-26)

Wow!  Excited, the woman ran home to tell everyone about whom she just met.  I love how in her zeal she left her water pot behind.  Like a symbol of shedding all those things she filled her life with for comfort, pleasure, and security apart from God.  She also left behind her shame, running to town in broad daylight to boldly share with those also in need of living water.  (John 4:28-29)

Meanwhile, the disciples wondered why Jesus was even talking to this woman when he should have been resting for their journey.  Did they share the same prejudices against the Samaritans?  Did they think one woman, or perhaps this woman, wasn’t worth the time compared to the masses they still had to reach?  (John 4:27)

Introducing Inclusive Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t play favorites.  His will is that all would hear his Word and be saved.  This Samaritan woman shows the power of one life changed.  Far-reaching.  Influencing.  Infectious.  With the ability to multiply to others. 

What if Jesus had skipped over her?  Went the long way around?  Ignored her because of her social status or sin?  What if Christ would have skipped over me?

Jesus desires an intimate relationship with us, and is intentional about meeting us where we are. 

Am I as intentional about my intimacy with him?  Are you?