
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Expecting Jesus

John 6:16-24 tells of Jesus walking on water, a story I’ve heard so many times, but each time teaches me something new.

Jesus had gone up the mountain for quiet time to pray while the disciples set sail across the sea.  Miles later, it grew dark and Jesus had not yet caught up with them.  Then, as the winds grew strong and the waters rough, there was still no sign of Jesus.  The Sea of Galilee was infamous for sudden, violent storms.  With their little boat no match for the crashing waves, these guys must have feared for their lives.

Suddenly, in their time of greatest need, Jesus appeared miraculously walking on the water.

Yet the disciples were afraid. 

Why were they afraid?  Did they not recognize him?  Had they underestimated his power?  Did they doubt his love, provision and protection?  Did they fear punishment rather than rescue?  Perhaps there’s some truth in each of these, but I think the root cause is that they had lost faith that he’d even show up.  They weren’t expecting him.

So Jesus said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” (John 6:20)

Imagine dark, stormy times.  Times when your instinct takes over and you strive to survive, fix, and problem-solve.  Times when circumstances tempt you to believe that Jesus isn’t really there with you.     

I can totally understand the disciples not recognizing Jesus if they weren’t expecting him to show up.  His appearance caught them by surprise, so the fear that was already building with the storm, gained a second wind so-to-speak.

I think of the times I tried to navigate rough waters on my own, not expecting Jesus, sometimes not even wanting his help.  I think of the times when I let circumstances convince me that Jesus was off doing something else, ignorant to my needs, deaf to my prayers for help.

Except that all the while he was already there and in control.  Jesus is with us in the storms of our lives.  Knowing, caring, praying, rowing, guiding.  We need to keep our faith strong, and to expect him to show up.  It’s that expectation that enables us to recognize him and to not be afraid.

When the disciples were willing to let Jesus in the boat, the boat immediately reached dry land. (John 6:21First, we must be willing to invite Jesus into the boat and surrender control to him.  When we do, he will lead us to dry land

Jesus doesn’t promise storm-free sailing.  What he does promise is to be with us and not forsake us whatever the weather forecast.  (Hebrews 13:5)

Expect Jesus to show up.  Invite him into your boat.  Allow him to navigate the rough waters.  And see remarkable things happen.

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