
Saturday, June 29, 2013

When All Hell Breaks Loose

Psalm 2 says blessed are those who take refuge in the Lord rather than in someone or something else.  Which begs the obvious question, where do I take my refuge?  And with no higher power, no greater protection or provider than God, why would nations, or anyone for that matter, work against Him?

I think of the US, and it seems like we are sliding down the slippery slope of morality.  Anything goes.  Everything that’s wrong is someone else’s fault.  I see so-called Christians with no need for God, thinking their liberty in Christ gives them the license to do whatever they want.  Christ’s sacrifice didn’t give us freedom to sin, it gave us freedom from the power of sin, which means freedom and power not to sin.

So rulers and common-folk alike will be judge by God, and I think rulers and leaders more harshly because of the added responsibility they were entrusted with.  Those who mock God, disregard him, reject him will find themselves mocked, disregarded, rejected by God in return.

There are always consequences to sin.  Sometimes they are major, and other times more subtle like the Lord simply stepping back and letting people reap what they sowUnchecked, unrepented sin only escalates.  Once one Bible-defined sin becomes tolerated, then accepted, then legalized and even celebrated, what’s next?  Which sin is next in the escalation?

When God steps back and gives our unregenerate human nature what it wants, all hell breaks loose.

Those who follow God, call Jesus Savior and Lord, submit to His rule – those are the ones who can ask God for anything and He’ll provide.  Imagine an entire nation devoted to the one, true, living God.  That would be a powerful, blessed, abundant nation indeed.  Imagine the amazing victories they’d have against nations who do not serve the same God.

Unfortunately, so-called Christian nations (and people) are blind to the fact that they aren’t really Christian.  That Christian values were discarded by the wayside in a quest for power, prosperity, popularity, and tolerance.  You can’t make everyone happy – not sinners and saints alike.  When you try, God gets pushed away to make room for human thinking.

Love is from God.  Tolerance is not. This psalm talks about the consequences of nations turning away from God and His ways.  With nations being comprised of individuals, the same principles would definitely apply.

Thomas Jefferson once said “In matters of style, swim with the current.  In matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

So where do you find your refuge?  Is the one, true, living God the source of all things in your life?  Do you stand on His Word and for His Word when others reject it?

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