
Friday, April 26, 2013


“Let’s face it.  Sometimes your past simply disqualifies you from doing certain things for God, but that doesn't mean He doesn't have another great plan for your life. “

So let me ask you this, does God really have a second-string?  I know that second-string isn't the best term to use, but you know where I’m going with this…A team of disqualified people that he’s trying to use by making “the best of it.”  Because I've seen entire churches, ministries, and organizations led by broken, put-back-together people.

Many years ago, a friend gave me this “wisdom” and “consolation” as we talked about being called into full-time missions.  He was sure, bold, moving full steam ahead.  I was less sure, still seeking God’s will, wanting more confirmation and preparation.  He equated my uncertainty with God’s certainty that missions just wasn't for me.

You see, it was my divorce that brought me back to the church

I had been raised Christian, but somewhere along the way I missed the part about having a personal relationship with Christ and living for Him on a daily basis.  My faith guaranteed that I would go to heaven when I died, but it didn't really impact how I was to live, if that makes sense.  The result was that good things in my life actually became obstacles or idols.  2 college degrees, a successful career, marriage, a house, and all the other stuff needed to "keep up with the Joneses."  Each of these would be blessings under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, but I didn't know that at the time.  So when my husband and I divorced after 3 years of marriage, my search for purpose and meaning led me back to God and what it really means to be born-again.  I'm eternally grateful that He welcomed me with open arms.

So…Did being divorced disqualify me from entering the mission field?  Or from leading as a witness for God?  Did I have to remarry to serve alongside a husband?  Was remarriage even an option in God’s eyes?  Did I need to remarry my ex, or would being yoked with an unbeliever just compound the sin?  I wrestled with these questions for many years - with God, and with the help of godly leaders, mentors and teachers…all the while feeling increased calling and confirmation to lead His work overseas.

In hindsight, I can see how God used my friend to assure me of my calling.  To guarantee it was deeply ingrained in my heart.  Because through 10 years in missions and now 4 in the South African field, my calling has been questioned, doubted, shaken and attacked more times than I can count.  By Satan, by people, even by me… It happens, again and again.

I know I have been called by God.  And anyone who has walked my journey with me knows it too.  Thankfully, in my moments of doubt and weakness, God uses these loved ones to encourage and remind me.  And now that I’m wiser in faith and stronger in my relationship with Christ, I realize that our pasts don’t disqualify us from being used by GodAnyone who doubts that doubts the redemptive power of Christ.  Because me being in the mission field, and me leading in ministry, has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God.

I Corinthians 1:27 says “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.”  We throw that verse around a lot, often in mock humility.  But God really, really, truly, truly does use the foolish things.  As one of those foolish things, I know this from experience.

The deepest yearning of my heart is to remarry someday.  To be yoked with a man who loves the Lord, lives for Him, and has His heart for reaching the lost.  God knows my desire, cares about it, and will either fulfill it or change it someday.  But in the meantime, He and I have some work to do

I don’t think that means as second-string, but I’m ok if it does.  What do you think?


  1. If God "could've used the donkey next door if he'd been so inclined," He certainly can use broken people who turn to Him. Paul persecuted God's people. God used Paul as a mighty leader. Peter denied Christ more than once. He said to Peter, "upon this ROCK I will build my church. Second string? No. Rock, precious jewel, daughter of the king - yes! :-)

  2. Thanks so much for the insight and the encouragement. I appreciate it!
