
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jesus Prays For His Disciples

In John17:6-18, Jesus prays for his disciples – those given to him, those charged with carrying his Word and will out into the world, those commissioned to bring glory to his name.

What did Jesus pray for them?

First, for God’s protection by the power of his name, the same power God gave Christ.  Jesus’ disciples were learning that they had the same power as Jesus himself.  Jesus had been teaching them all along that they could do the same things as he, and even greater.  Did they believe that?  And what was the goal of experiencing the power of God’s name?  So that they may be one as God and Christ are one.  A united front.  An effective team.  A witness to nonbelievers.  A formidable force in the world. 

Second, that they may have the full measure of Christ’s joy in them.  They were going to encounter some rocky roads.  The world would hate them because of him, so Jesus wanted them to be able to face those challenges with joy.  Notice that Jesus didn't intend to take them out of the world, away from the challenges and persecutions, rather he prayed for their joy and protection in facing them.

Another way I think the disciples would experience the full measure of Christ’s joy is by following Christ’s example of focusing on others above himself.  Jesus knew he was about to face a horrific crucifixion and death, yet he put the needs and welfare of his disciples above his own.  Putting others first is a way we can experience Christ’s joy, peace, compassion, power, authority, character, you name it!  When we love and trust him enough to look beyond our circumstances and focus on the bigger picture – God’s calling on our lives – we experience the full measure of Christ in our lives.  And Jesus modeled this in his prayer for his disciples.

Third, that they would be sanctified with God’s truth.  The basic meaning of sanctification is to be set apart for God.  It has a moral connotation of holiness or purity.  Whereas salvation occurs the moment someone accepts Christ as Savior, sanctification is a process that continues throughout the rest of a believer’s life as he or she grows in Christlike character, attitudes, behavior, etc.  And as Christ showed through his prayer, sanctification comes through knowing, hearing and obeying God’s Word.

Jesus knew his disciples needed to be equipped with power and protection, to stand together in unity, to retain an attitude of joy through all circumstances, and to be ever-growing in spiritual maturity to carry out his mission for them in the world.

And what is even more amazing is that this is also Christ’s prayer for you and for me.

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,” (John 17:20)

When I read this I was compelled to go back through his words with this new perspective in mind.