
Sunday, January 15, 2012


I’m reading Mark right now and it’s interesting to see how the Gospels compare in terms of style, audience, and content.  Not that there are any contradictions (there are none), but God uses each writer to convey the same Truths in different ways to different people.  Mark focuses on the ministry of Jesus and His role as the ultimate servant.  It’s believed that his primary audience at the time was Roman believers suffering persecution.  Mark purposed to encourage them through Jesus’ example.  Could you use some encouragement as a servant of God?

Mark begins with Jesus being baptized first with water, then by the Holy Spirit.  Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an infilling that empowers believers for ministry or service.  Then immediately after Jesus’ baptism by water and by the Holy Spirit the same Holy Spirit pushed him out to be tested by Satan.  (Mark 1:12-13, MSG)  Some translations say tempted.  The Holy Spirit didn’t want to see if Jesus would sin, rather He wanted to prove that he wouldn’t. 

Mark doesn’t share the nature of the test, nor does he reveal the score - for that you can read Matthew’s account (Matthew 4:1:11,NIV).  Perhaps this is because we all know Jesus passed with flying colors.  Or perhaps this is because they don’t matter, at least not to the point God is trying to make in this account.  I’ve been reflecting on the latter.

I think the point is simply that when leaders are called and equipped by God, tests are inevitable.  Jesus himself was tested.  Furthermore, tests aren’t just trials to be endured, they are active, intentional tools used by God to deepen our knowledge, hone our skills, and practice what we’ve learned.  Such tests give us experience and credibility as believers and leaders.

First Mark tells us Jesus is the Son of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit.  For the rest of us, I compare that to titles and education listed on a resume.  Important stuff, but not what proves we can do the job.  Next Mark tells of Jesus’ testing - His experience.  This is where the spiritual rubber meets the road, demonstrating Jesus’ anointing and credibility.  Next Mark goes on to tell us about Jesus’ authority in teaching and performing miracles, and the experiences go on from there.

It feels weird analyzing Jesus like a man to be hired, but it helps me to apply Mark’s Gospel to my life.  Tests are intentional.  And the more closely we follow God, the more intense the tests will be.  Satan doesn’t waste his time with non-Believers, or Believers not stepping out to make a difference.  Why bother. 

Additionally, being tempted is not a sin.  Yielding to temptation is where sin enters the picture.  That’s why God empowers us with His Spirit, Word, spiritual armor and weapons; and why He puts us to the test when we choose to serve him.  To refine us, mature us, and to give us the opportunity to practice our knowledge, skills, and gifts.

I think of Peter Petrelli on Heroes (we just watched the first season).  His super-power was the ability to absorb the super-powers of any other hero he came in contact with.  But it took a lot of testing and practicing for him to master them and wield them for good.

God allows us to be tested so that we too may learn to wield our spiritual weapons with power.  How are you being tested right now?

Friday, January 13, 2012

On Top of the World

One of the cool experiences during our recent leadership retreat was hiking up a mountain.  At the top, while catching our breath and taking in the spectacular view, we talked about what God revealed to us through the climb.  I loved how the Lord spoke to each of us uniquely - into our own hearts, about our own circumstances, appreciating how wonderfully different we are.  And as we shared, He also knitted us together as a team, revealing even more of Himself to us.

Pressing On

The Lord showed us how the climb was a lot like life.  Easy paths can quickly become difficult terrain, but as we press on one step at a time we get through the prickly shrubs, over the steep rocks and back to even ground.  Scrapes and bruises heal, and through the grace of God we’re stronger for the road ahead.  Plus from the top looking back, we realize just how beautiful the journey was – something difficult to recognize en route dodging thorns, stones and the occasional Cobra (yes, Cobra!).  Keep pressing on towards the goal, the rewards will be worth it! Philippians 3:12-14

Pressing Together

The Lord also taught us about teamwork – working together in strength and weakness, leveraging our unique gifts, and encouraging one another.  We started off energized, laughing, talking and singing.  But as the sun beat down and the path became more difficult and then disappeared completely, we grew weary.  Had any of us been hiking alone, we might have been tempted to turn around.  After all, the base of the mountain was quite lovely.  The middle of the mountain had a great view.  There were so many points where we could have justified giving up and feeling satisfied.  But as a team, we urged each other on, lending a hand or encouragement when needed.  And we all made it to the top, some of us having never hiked up such a mountain before.  We’re definitely stronger together than aloneRomans 15:5-6. Philippians 2:1-2.

Being Impressed

It’s pretty impressive to be able to see for miles and miles in every direction.  Through the beautiful 360-degree panorama, God also spoke about perspective – training ourselves to see things from His point of view, through the lens of His divine sovereignty, power, providence and character.

When were tempted to feel small, insignificant, like what we do or who we are doesn’t matter, we need to remember that God created us for a plan and purpose.  Each of us is uniquely called, uniquely qualified, and uniquely equipped for God’s bigger picture.  Jeremiah 29:11  Romans 8:28

When we’re tempted to feel big, self-righteous, self-important, doing things our own way, or even mired down in our own circumstances, we need to humble ourselves before our Creator.  It’s when we humble ourselves that God lifts us up.  1 Peter 5:6Philippians 2:3-5.

The Lord speaks in so many amazing ways and this time it was through His Creation.  All we have to do is look and listen…My prayer for all of us.