I’m thankful that the Lord is with us through trials, redeeming them through His mercy and grace. Like Nehemiah, I’ve been praying earnestly for the Lord’s wisdom, guidance and favor as we rebuild – our temple, our walls, our city, our nation.
We’re 8 months into it, and it has been an incredible journey!Rebuilding our temple. I think of our temple as our spiritual foundation, a foundation that crumbles when leaders stumble and fall. With Ignite South Africa, we have the opportunity to learn from the past, to ensure a solid spiritual foundation, and to prioritize protecting it moving forward. There’s wisdom to be gained through the redemption of past mistakes.
As leaders we all need build-up our temple, our faith, our worship, our spiritual disciplines – first individually, then collectively. It’s the critical first step, and one that doesn’t end there. Ongoing maintenance and growth will always be needed.
Rebuilding our walls. Like Israel, our first need was for survival – somewhere to live and work, a new “mission base” so to speak. We also had rubble to move out of the way; processing, healing and planning to do. Then we began rebuilding our walls as the Lord directed.
Nehemiah prayed for favor with the king. We too prayed for favor with the King (big K) because He cares about the details big and small, and knows exactly what we need to survive. I’m thankful for what the Lord has faithfully provided beginning with our home, office, and other needs.
It’s remembering examples of the Lord’s faithfulness that gets me though moments of doubt or fear and keeps me moving ahead towards His purpose.Rebuilding our city. After the walls were built and folks felt safe, Nehemiah raised up leaders, and people started resettling into their hometowns. Maybe this is a bit of a stretch, but here I think of rebuilding and restructuring our departments, embracing the Lord’s fresh vision, and poising ourselves for future impact and growth.
We’re praying, dreaming, and planning for the future. We’re excited to rebuild God’s ministry – spiritually, physically, strategically, and tactically. Our home, office, and programs; our coaches, schools and youth; our local churches, pastors, and villages...That’s my city.Rebuilding our nation. Rebuilding our temple and walls will meet our needs for survival. Rebuilding our city poises us for significance and eternal impact. Rebuilding our nation is the next step in achieving it. It’s our God-gifted mission.
A mission that hasn’t changed but is ready for fresh vision to move it to the next level. And I’m thankful that the Lord has invited us to be part of His plan.
Nehemiah led for survival, and once that need was met he led for significance. How can we do the same? And who wants to come with us? I’m excited!! Shout out again to “Becoming Nehemiah – Leading with Significance” by David L. McKenna